How To Church Part 1 – Worship
Welcome to Centenary Methodist Church! Today we are going to show you what to anticipate when you come through Centenary’s doors Sunday morning.
Service starts at 9:30, but you can come in as early as you’d like. Once you come in, we have some greeters who will meet you to give you your program, answer any questions, provide assistance, or just chat! At the pews we have hymnals and bibles if needed. And if you require a listening device, we have those for you as well. In our bulletin, you will find the order of service, announcements, and our Connect Card. These cards let us know if you have any joys or celebrations in your life that we can celebrate with you, if you have any concerns or prayer requests, or any other way we can help serve you. You can tear them out and place them in the offering plates when they get passed around, or you can fill it out online at our website.
We have an amazing Worship Team that sings both traditional and modern songs. If you would like to join us we would love to have you! And every Sunday we have a children’s moment for our little ones.
Throughout the month, we have a variety of different events. Every First Sunday of the month we have Communion. Right after, we have Coffee with Carl, which is a chance for those who are considering being a member of our church to ask our Senior Pastor any questions you may have about our Church, our affiliation with the Global Methodist Church, or anything else you want to talk about! And every second Sunday of the month we have Kids Club! After our Children’s moment, the kids will come to the Family Life Center where they get a special sermon tailored for children, and afterwards they play games, sports, and hang out!
And of course, if you can’t make it to service, you can catch us online!
Last but not least, after service, you can join one of our six Sunday School classes! You can find out more about these classes on our website.
Here at Centenary Methodist church, we want to bring you an uplifting service rooted in traditional values. In this Church, we strive to make everyone feel included and welcome. Come in as a stranger, and leave as a friend! If you have any questions, please contact us at or call us at 573-334-2869. We hope to see you soon!