Centenary Spotlight: Marsha Parrish

This week’s Centenary Spotlight is on our volunteer Marsha Parrish! Marsha is our Communion Steward. She ensures that all elements of Communion are in place for the first Sunday of the month. Marsha has been a member of the Church for 40 years, and has been Communion Steward for seven years.
She sets up all elements for Communion Sunday the Thursday before, which entails setting up the altar, ensuring we have sufficient bread and wine, and gathering volunteers to assist with the delivering of bread and wine. She is also in charge of cleanup after, which entails picking up any communion cups, picking up bread crumbs, and storing the communion table cloth. It’s because of Marsha that the altar looks beautiful and communion goes smoothly! Thank you for your help Marsha! If you want to help with communion, Marsha is always looking for volunteers! If interested, please see her after communion.