Centenary Spotlight: Roxiann Woody

You may have gotten acquainted with Roxiann in choir, at various committee meetings, while planning an event, or just simply in search of information about the church.
Roxiann generally works behind the scenes as appointed Treasurer partnering with Financial Secretary Judy Sneathen, having responsibility handling the church’s accounts receivable, payroll, and preparing end of month online giving and preschool tuition reports. She became recognized for the hard work she put in organizing the numerous details during our disaffiliation process.
She can multitask like nobody’s business, answering texts, emails, organizing events, communications and responding to various organizations who partner with Centenary, or any other important church business that needs attention. Roxiann is the heartbeat that keeps church operations running smoothly, always thinking ahead coming up with ideas to make Centenary even better and in all instances, considerate of every person she meets and every life she touches.
Arriving on Monday morning, for the next four days she diligently works recruiting volunteers, following up on meetings and church activities, solving problems head-on or any task that requires taking care of details that keep it all running. On Friday, she provides additional information for C-Mail such as worship attendance and special events. On Saturdays, she makes sure there are hard copies in the Narthex for Sunday morning service. To say that Roxiann is an asset to the church is an understatement! She is an incredible human being who is dedicated to her church and who approaches life with a strong faith in God and pure Christian love.
Many thanks for all you do Roxiann!