Centenary Spotlight: Tina Trickey
This week’s Centenary Spotlight is on Tina Trickey. Tina is our Event Coordinator, Co-Chair of the Community Connections Committee and Southside ministry, former Children’s Moment Coordinator, and head writer of our Weekly C-Mail.
Tina has been a member of Centenary since 2021, but has been involved with the church before then singing for our cantatas. Tina is an experienced singer singing for the Jerry Ford Orchestra, among other acts. She often gives her talents by singing in the choir for special events and occasionally singing for the offering.
As the Event Coordinator, Tina coordinates events such as weddings and anniversary celebrations. Her responsibilities include meeting with the brides/families and arranging details, providing them with the church policy and fee schedule, and overseeing outside events using church property.
Tina is the co-chair of Southside Ministries, a collaboration with Pastor Scott Johnson of Soulful Harvest Ministries. Southside Ministries aims to help citizens of Cape who are in need by helping people find jobs, housing, and helping them financially in case of an emergency.
As the head writer of our weekly online newsletter, Tina writes the inspirational message, prayer and devotional, finds content for the Kids Korner, and works with Media Communications Director Bennett Turner to gather announcements. Tina is an essential part of the newsletter and does a great job keeping the church informed and connected. Thank you Tina for your dedication to Centenary!